Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Carry Me Home
You want to know a beautiful song? Check out this song by "Fun" called "We Are Young". Apparently it was on Glee. I checked out their version and it's good, don't get me wrong. But the acoustic version of this featuring Janelle Monae is SO good. I can seriously guarantee that you will fall in love with this song.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Ah pairs. There are some things that just go together.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
Sonny and Cher!
Ryan and Marissa! (Guess what I've been watching alot of lately.....)
There are some musicians that suddenly have the genius idea to pair up with another musician, and together, create an amazing song. Personally, I like it when a guy and a girl pair up--the harmonies are fantastic.
Take Joshua Radin for example. He is oh so lovely. I saw him in concert on Valentines Day--what a show. He has this melodic voice that is so soothing. Therefore, because clearly he's a genius, he paired up with a few lovely women to create pretty popular songs.
With Ingrid Michaelson--Sky
With Schuyler Fisk--Paperweight
Think the Postal Service. The fantastic voice of Ben Gibbard with some Jenny Lewis. Any song that accompanies Jenny Lewis is awesome. Think Ben Folds and Regina Spektor--You Don't Know Me. That's a great pop song.
But none of these are going to be posted today...sorry! Go check them out though. Today, Joshua Radin takes the cake. He paired up with the absolutely amazing Patty Griffin for the song, "You've Got Growing Up to Do"
Hi Guys! Don't look so happy!
I am a HUGE Patty Griffin fan. When I saw this on Joshua Radin's "Simple Times" album, I was ecstatic. He played this at the Valentines Day concert...I was slightly bummed that she didn't show up. Such is life.
Let me know what you think! I will probably post again today, just because I clearly didn't in just about a week. More music needs to be talked about.
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
Sonny and Cher!
Ryan and Marissa! (Guess what I've been watching alot of lately.....)
There are some musicians that suddenly have the genius idea to pair up with another musician, and together, create an amazing song. Personally, I like it when a guy and a girl pair up--the harmonies are fantastic.
Take Joshua Radin for example. He is oh so lovely. I saw him in concert on Valentines Day--what a show. He has this melodic voice that is so soothing. Therefore, because clearly he's a genius, he paired up with a few lovely women to create pretty popular songs.
With Ingrid Michaelson--Sky
With Schuyler Fisk--Paperweight
Think the Postal Service. The fantastic voice of Ben Gibbard with some Jenny Lewis. Any song that accompanies Jenny Lewis is awesome. Think Ben Folds and Regina Spektor--You Don't Know Me. That's a great pop song.
But none of these are going to be posted today...sorry! Go check them out though. Today, Joshua Radin takes the cake. He paired up with the absolutely amazing Patty Griffin for the song, "You've Got Growing Up to Do"
Hi Guys! Don't look so happy!
I am a HUGE Patty Griffin fan. When I saw this on Joshua Radin's "Simple Times" album, I was ecstatic. He played this at the Valentines Day concert...I was slightly bummed that she didn't show up. Such is life.
Let me know what you think! I will probably post again today, just because I clearly didn't in just about a week. More music needs to be talked about.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Accents. I love them. I grew up in Jersey, so I say tournament like a traditional Jersian (not a word). I went to college in the South and heard my share of Southern accents.
Aside from the various "American" accents....have you ever legit tried to mimic an accent from a different country? You look at actors that have done this in movies, and you'd NEVER guess they were acting. For example, Rose Byrne.
Rose was the "bad guy" in Helen. Side note, if you haven't seen this movie, go out and rent it right now. It is hilarious. Rose in the movie is American, however she's actually from Australia. You'd NEVER guess this. I think that really says something about an actor/actress when they're able to do this. You try and pretend to be British, legit British. I think that would be hard.
This brings me to show you all a hilarious Youtube video, of the cast of Harry Potter trying to sound American. Another side note, I love Harry Potter so get used to seeing these sorts of videos.
Okay so onto music....thinking of accents and how hard it is to sing to a specific song, I can really think of one: Kate Nash-Foundations. Her British accent is incredibly thick when she sings, and it's so good. I LOVE this song. I lied. I love all songs by Kate Nash. She's absolutely hilarious. I think Foundations was the first song to really boost her career and she just kept going. After listening to this one, check out "Do-Wah-Doo". She is a fantastic musician!
Aside from the various "American" accents....have you ever legit tried to mimic an accent from a different country? You look at actors that have done this in movies, and you'd NEVER guess they were acting. For example, Rose Byrne.
Rose was the "bad guy" in Helen. Side note, if you haven't seen this movie, go out and rent it right now. It is hilarious. Rose in the movie is American, however she's actually from Australia. You'd NEVER guess this. I think that really says something about an actor/actress when they're able to do this. You try and pretend to be British, legit British. I think that would be hard.
This brings me to show you all a hilarious Youtube video, of the cast of Harry Potter trying to sound American. Another side note, I love Harry Potter so get used to seeing these sorts of videos.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
What is Your Safety Net?
So tonight is a particularly awesome night. Why you ask? Well:
-I cooked an amazing meal. What did it consist of? Chicken, broccoli, potatoes. I am a simple person--I don't ask for much. Protein, veggies, carbs. I'm set.

-I went to Target and came out withOUT my bank account crying. Can anyone go in there and walk out with nothing? If you can, total high five for you from me.

-Thursday night football. Who's playing? Answer: Who cares. It's Thursday night football. That means, aside from watching football on Saturday, Sunday AND Monday, I get an additional day. Bliss.
<--he's really cute btw.
Onto music....
everyone has a safety net band. You know what I mean. Despite whatever mood you're in, you turn on your SN band and you're instantly comforted. What's your safety net band?
Mine is Stars. Canadian band. 3 albums out, 'Set Yourself On Fire', 'My Bedroom After the War", and "The Five Ghosts". I have all 3 albums. I think this is the one band that I have all of their music, and I have never been disappointed. Gosh they're good. Therefore, I'm posting two of my favorite songs of theirs...."Dead Hearts" and "Heart". No, I'm not making that up. They are both named that...weird huh? Let me know what you think. Enjoy!!!

-I went to Target and came out withOUT my bank account crying. Can anyone go in there and walk out with nothing? If you can, total high five for you from me.

-Thursday night football. Who's playing? Answer: Who cares. It's Thursday night football. That means, aside from watching football on Saturday, Sunday AND Monday, I get an additional day. Bliss.
<--he's really cute btw.
Onto music....
everyone has a safety net band. You know what I mean. Despite whatever mood you're in, you turn on your SN band and you're instantly comforted. What's your safety net band?
Mine is Stars. Canadian band. 3 albums out, 'Set Yourself On Fire', 'My Bedroom After the War", and "The Five Ghosts". I have all 3 albums. I think this is the one band that I have all of their music, and I have never been disappointed. Gosh they're good. Therefore, I'm posting two of my favorite songs of theirs...."Dead Hearts" and "Heart". No, I'm not making that up. They are both named that...weird huh? Let me know what you think. Enjoy!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Be Thankful.
It's that time of year. It's this indescribable desire to be thankful for everything. The feeling of family, stableness, and love invades our senses. I am thankful. I think this is something that we constantly fail to remind ourselves on a daily basis.
I mean think about it. On a daily basis, I wake up to work out, get ready, go to work all day, eventually end up in a grumpy mood somehow, come home, crash. It's the daily grind that really gets to us.
I would urge you all to take a minute and think about this post. Remind yourselves of all of the reasons why you're thankful. Family? Friends? Work? Coffee (that one's mine)? Why are YOU thankful?
Mumford and Sons sang a wonderful version of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". I hope this helps remind you all to be thankful!
I mean think about it. On a daily basis, I wake up to work out, get ready, go to work all day, eventually end up in a grumpy mood somehow, come home, crash. It's the daily grind that really gets to us.
I would urge you all to take a minute and think about this post. Remind yourselves of all of the reasons why you're thankful. Family? Friends? Work? Coffee (that one's mine)? Why are YOU thankful?
Mumford and Sons sang a wonderful version of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". I hope this helps remind you all to be thankful!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
I am a horrible blogger
I apologize!!
Not only was this week absolutely nuts at work, but I drove a lonnnnnnng way to Chattanooga this past weekend to see a very dear friend get married!
Because my mind is plagued with the ideas of weddings, happiness, being in love, sappiness (actual word?), we will once again be introduced to a romantic song.
Here's the kick! It's a violin piece. Oh. my. word. My friend introduced it to me and your heart just melts over this. It's so romantic and beautiful. If you want to be in love, listen to this song. The amazing man that steals your heart, is Joshua Bell. I'm sure you have heard of him, if you know classical music. He is an AMAZING violinist. The song is called O Mio Babbino Caro (by Puccini). The song is translated as, "Oh My Beloved Father". The song is about a father who is threatening to split up his daughter with her boyfriend. Isn't every romantic piece of music somehow correlated to this idea?
Anyways, let Joshua woo you for a bit. Trust me, he will.
Not only was this week absolutely nuts at work, but I drove a lonnnnnnng way to Chattanooga this past weekend to see a very dear friend get married!
Because my mind is plagued with the ideas of weddings, happiness, being in love, sappiness (actual word?), we will once again be introduced to a romantic song.
Here's the kick! It's a violin piece. Oh. my. word. My friend introduced it to me and your heart just melts over this. It's so romantic and beautiful. If you want to be in love, listen to this song. The amazing man that steals your heart, is Joshua Bell. I'm sure you have heard of him, if you know classical music. He is an AMAZING violinist. The song is called O Mio Babbino Caro (by Puccini). The song is translated as, "Oh My Beloved Father". The song is about a father who is threatening to split up his daughter with her boyfriend. Isn't every romantic piece of music somehow correlated to this idea?
Anyways, let Joshua woo you for a bit. Trust me, he will.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Weekend Dance Fest
This weekend has been awesome. I love those weekends where there isn't a whole lot to you can do things that you had been planning on. For me, that included baking a TON of Gingerbread (the best), going for a nice long run, and avoiding laundry.
Yum yum yum
It's a bright, Sunday morning. It's freezing, yes, but it's the perfect day for a little roadtrip. Mind you, I'm only driving an hour away...but nonetheless, it constitutes as a road trip. A friend this past week opened my eyes to the wonderful band, Grouplove. Their more popular song, "Tongue Tied", was played in a recent Ipod commercial. I STRONGLY recommend buying the album. Man it's so good. It's the perfect album to listen to while on a road trip. You don't even need to make a playlist, the whole album is excellent. I'm going to post TWO songs (whoaaaaa) from their album because honestly, I can't decide which one I like more. The two songs are, "Spun", and "Lovely Cup". If you guys do not listen to these two songs and think, "ummm I definitely need to buy these", then I haven't been doing a good job. Trust me on this one. Enjoy!
Yum yum yum
It's a bright, Sunday morning. It's freezing, yes, but it's the perfect day for a little roadtrip. Mind you, I'm only driving an hour away...but nonetheless, it constitutes as a road trip. A friend this past week opened my eyes to the wonderful band, Grouplove. Their more popular song, "Tongue Tied", was played in a recent Ipod commercial. I STRONGLY recommend buying the album. Man it's so good. It's the perfect album to listen to while on a road trip. You don't even need to make a playlist, the whole album is excellent. I'm going to post TWO songs (whoaaaaa) from their album because honestly, I can't decide which one I like more. The two songs are, "Spun", and "Lovely Cup". If you guys do not listen to these two songs and think, "ummm I definitely need to buy these", then I haven't been doing a good job. Trust me on this one. Enjoy!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
So Precious.
Thank GOODNESS it's almost the weekend. By golly it's been a nasty week. However, I've been feeling extremely overwhelmed by the wonderful people in my life that truly make who I am. My family, my friends, my coworkers, my person. You guys make me so happy.
This is why I'm posting the song I'm about to. The band is A Fine Frenzy.
Isn't she adorable? I love her red hair...and her voice. She has this gorgeous voice. Her name is Allie Sudol and you'll have to check out the video I'm going to post. She just, lights up when she sings--you can really tell that she's happy when she's singing her wonderful music.
The song I'm going to post is "What I Wouldn't Do". It is such a precious, cute, sappy, song. Every time I turn this song on, I imagine I'm in the car....driving anywhere. The sun is out, snow is an unfathomable thought in the 80 degree weather. And you're just content. Kind of like in this picture:
Here's the video of the song that I want to post. It's a live version. The reason why I'm posting this version is because I want you guys to just watch her as she sings. She's so happy when she sings it. That's how I usually am whenever I sing this song. I hope this song brings a smile to your face!
This is why I'm posting the song I'm about to. The band is A Fine Frenzy.
Isn't she adorable? I love her red hair...and her voice. She has this gorgeous voice. Her name is Allie Sudol and you'll have to check out the video I'm going to post. She just, lights up when she sings--you can really tell that she's happy when she's singing her wonderful music.
The song I'm going to post is "What I Wouldn't Do". It is such a precious, cute, sappy, song. Every time I turn this song on, I imagine I'm in the car....driving anywhere. The sun is out, snow is an unfathomable thought in the 80 degree weather. And you're just content. Kind of like in this picture:
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