I am a huge Grey's Anatomy fan. I have all the seasons, and I could quote all day every day if I could.
I mean think of it, these individuals live in Seattle, which is super rainy and yucky all the time. What do they do? They save people. Conjoined twins, pregnant men, Alzheimer's, parasites in brains...
It doesn't really hurt that they are all super good looking.
Anyways, the best part of this show is that they provide excellent advise about life. Cue dance parties. Whenever something is bothering you--if you're sad, mad, stressed, just dance it out. Don't believe me? Check out this clip:
Dance it out guys. Sometimes you just need a fun dancing song that you can blast in your apartment, house, sidewalk, wherever and just groove to it. Am I the best dancer? Heck no. But sometimes, awkward dancing is a must. Therefore, I have a cute, indie song that is good to dance to. Also, the lyrics are all about dancing... so that works, right?
Today is the PERFECT day for some sappy music. I guess I just needed something to make me think, 'oh woe is me...everyone is against me'. You know that kind of music. Actually, I know how to describe it. When you want a pity party for yourself.
Yeah...this pretty much sums it up.
Okay so last night, I was watching Pretty Little Liars. Judge all you want. I absolutely LOVE this show.
I'm okay with admitting how much I love this show because in my opinion, I feel that you need a stupid, completely pointless show in your life. Something that you fall back on because you know, there's no way that this show would actually be real. It's kind of like The OC.
Anyways, it was as though PLL knew how I was feeling last night because the episode had an AWESOME soundtrack. I mean really. It was phenomenal. There were so many sappy, stupid, wah wah wah moments and they had the best songs to counteract that. So lucky you! You all get to listen to these songs. After you do, I'll bet you won't think PLL is as lame as you originally do.
First song is Daniel Ahearn- I Will Let You Go. Apparently it was in No Strings Attached? Didn't see it. Listen to this song and start feeling sorry for yourself:
Okay next is the absolutely amazing song by The Rescues-My Heart With You. If you don't shed a tear during this, then you have no soul.
BY THE WAY--I don't suggest looking at yesterday's post and then listen to these songs. Your brain/emotions might not know how to handle it. Trust me.
I'm going stir crazy here in the bitter cold North. Sometimes, it's nice....no...sometimes, it's necessary to remember warmer times. Now to some of you, you might not like the warm weather. And that's cool...you're just weird. For the rest of you who are missing the warmth, the beach, the summertime, I'm going to post some songs that just remember me of sun.
Are these relatively 'deep' songs? No. Are the lyrics going to ultimately going to effect your life? Of course not. They're just nice to listen to.
I present 2 songs. Colbie Caillat is a complete guilty pleasure of mine. When I think of happy, giddy songs, I think of her. She ALWAYS has a cute song. Sometimes you just need these. If you are a male and are reading this, give it a shot--you'll probably catch on as well.
Okay so you're kind of still in the 'happy sunshine-y mood'? Good. One more song just to fully grab your attention. Have you heard of the amazing artist, Zee Avi?
Isn't she precious? I think so too. She reminds me of a female Jack Johnson. I'm going to recommend you check out her entire album but the song I'm going to add is called "Bitter Heart". I hope you guys are feeling more sunshiney!
Sunday mornings are always a win if two things happen.
1.) You must be able to sleep in.
2.) You treat yourself to Panera for breakfast.
Clearly, these two things happened for me this morning so I am winning. I felt totally cool as I walked into Panera, 8:30 in the morning with my big nerdy glasses, iPhone in hand, and pajamas. Was this the winning triad of classiness? I mean, you guys can decide that one but I'm going to go with a definite, 'yes'.
This was week was a little nuts but I was trying to figure out a good song to post. Yesterday we got about 4 inches of snow (uncool) so I'm kind of feeling something mellow.
A really great friend of mine introduced me to "The Head and the Heart". They are a band from Seattle and are becoming more and more well-known.
I absolutely love them. They are such a fun group to listen to. I really like their entire album, but there are two songs that have really gotten stuck in my head. The first one is "Sounds Like Hallelujah".
Hooked? You should be. The second song is "Ghosts". Enjoy!
Yes yes yes. I of course am referring to Florence Welch from Florence + The Machine.
Just like everyone else in America, I first heard her most popular song, "Dog Days Are Over" on the "Eat Pray Love" trailer. Okay maybe you heard her some other time but whatever.
When I saw the music video for this song, I was taken aback. It's....different. Weird almost. Then I heard Cosmic Love, You've Got the Love..and so on and so forth.
To be honest with you, I kind of just stopped listening to her for a while. You know how it goes---you listen to a specific artist for so long that you need to move on. Too much.
A dear friend of mine sent me her new album a few months ago titled, "Ceremonials". I didn't really listen to it because I heard "What the Water Gave You" and I wasn't impressed. Well, at the beginning of December, I was driving down to Chattanooga by myself. It was a Friday after half a day of work and then a 10 hour drive ahead of me. Needless to say, I was super tired.
It kind of looked like this but dark.
I turned my Ipod on Shuffle and the song, "Breaking Down" off of her new album came on. Instead of turning to the next song, I thought, "you know what...it's not like I'm going anywhere, let me see how this sounds".
Just like that--I was obsessed again. I listened to the entire album over, and over, and over again. Her voice is just soothing. She brings different beats and sounds so that every song that you listen to is new and different than the last. So I have this thing, that if I hear a song on my Ipod (off of an album), I have to make sure that the artist/s sound good live. Well, I'm going to post Florence singing, "Shake It Out" on the X Factor. You tell me if she sounds good or not:
(By the way, the answer is that she sounds amazing live).
After you listen to this, check out the song "Breaking Down" that I was talking about. I LOVE this song. I love her whole album actually. Check out her album "Ceremonials" if you have time and honestly, shoot me an email if you want it. It's great music from a very talented woman. Enjoy!
Okay so as you've probably noticed, I've been doing alot of running lately. I pretty much look like this.
Except I'm female.....and not Rocky. But still cue the Theme from Rocky please.
Anyways, so I've really been trying to figure out what kind of groove I'm in with my music--I mean let's be honest here, I was listening to classical music on a run during the last post. But today is going to be different---much different than the music that I've been posting. Two words (or maybe one...it depends):
I am hooked. Let's just take about, oh, 2 seconds and watch the video from Glee when they did a mash up on Adele. Now take note--a mash up is whenever two or more songs are combined (MAAAASSHHHEDDD) together to create a single, awesome, song. Hence, mashed. Like mashed potatoes.
yum yum yum yum
Okay I'm getting hungry. Here's the song from Glee:
It's different---right? I love mashups. But the one that I really want to post, is very different than what has been posted in the past. It's by a group called, "Girl Talk" and I am OBSESSED. They are awesome if you're looking for some awesome rap/mashup goodness. The song that I'm posting is "Like This". It's brilliant. Hope you enjoy this!
So I went for a 7 mile run yesterday because I'm pretty sure weather.com said that it was 61 degrees outside. I start to run, and Chopin's Nocturne in E flat major comes up. At first I was like, "no no no, I can't listen to this...I have to find something with a beat, like Beyonce" (fyi...Beyonce had her baby last night!).
Anyways, just before I clicked the 'next' button, I thought I'd wait it out. I'm so glad that I did. This song is SO beautiful. Picture this. It's slightly warm, with a light wind. The sun is in the air, it's mid afternoon. You're running, which of course means that the endorphins are kicking in--and you're listening to this song. To be completely honest with you all, I can't remember the last time I felt so, serene on a run. I was observing everything, feeling completely nostalgic of spring time and all of the memories included. Have you ever had this happen to you? A song, that you completely unexpected, drives you into an emotional whirlwind?
The song by Chopin is utterly beautiful. I can't even begin to describe it--just listen to it. By the way, does anyone want to say, "Chop-in" when pronouncing his name, like from It Takes Two with the Olson twins? Anyone? Anyone?
"What do you mean it's not pronounced like that?!?!"
Okay, here it is. Just take a minute to soak it all in. I hope you enjoy!
Okay so it's the end of a really long week, which is ironic because it was only a 4 day work week. Despite that, I'm craving more beautiful music. You know what I mean. Songs that I can just turn on, grab a cup of coffee, and relax. To be honest with you, that's the type of music that I listen to, about 90% of the time.
Don't get me wrong--I generally love all types of music. However, I usually am gravitated towards mellower music. Cue the wonderful musician, "Sia". She's Australian and has such a beautiful, raspy voice. The song that I'm picking today is "Breathe Me"...off of her "Colour the Small One" album. If you like this song, definitely check out her other awesome hits like Sunday, You Are Loved, and Day Too Soon. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I do!
Okay so up here in this stupid state, it has been around 13 degrees for the past few days. Why why why? I can't stand the cold weather--it makes me so grumpy. Even my favorite kind of coffee (hazelnut from Panera) can't even make me smile.
So let's all take a minute and glance at this picture. Just to remind us of the fact that in other parts of the world, it looks like this year round.
Sigh. Also this makes me really want to relax:
Slash...I really wish that my coffee looked like that every morning
Anyways, I think we need a nice, relaxing, soothing song to make us all swoon in Folkish adoration.
Cue Iron & Wine. You can NEVER go wrong with Iron & Wine in my opinion. I think I honestly first fell in love with them, when I heard "Such Great Heights" by them. I'm normally used to the Postal Service version so this slower version completely won me over. Another great song of theirs is Love and Other Verses.
But no, today, we're going to bring "Resurrection Fern". It really ties into a beautiful depiction of nature and simple times. Do I understand what this song is about? Of course not. Do I really care? Not really. It's a beautiful, mellow song and every once in a while, this is the type of song that I think everyone needs.
So grab a warm blanket, an awesome book, and relax to Iron & Wine. (chocolate should also be added to that list)
Everyone has resolutions. Do this, do that. They are SO hard. Have you ever fully completed a resolution for an entire year? I was asked the other day what some of my resolutions are. I don't really have any, to be honest with you. Mine is more of a continual. Remain healthy, both mentally and physically.
To me, that's tough. I mean does anyone really want to eat salads every day for lunch? Not really. Would I rather have a large plate of taquitos instead? Obviously.
I wanted to bring in the New Year with something super different. Something that I think you would all like that combines two types of music into one.
Jump back to the year 2001. Eleven years ago. Do you remember the artist, Blu Cantrell? She sang a lot of soul music. I think one of her most famous songs was Hit Em Up Style. If you don't remember that song, go check it out.
ACTUALLY...just kidding. There is a group called Carolina Chocolate Drops that literally consists of a singer (who plays violin), a banjo, and a beatbox-er. I don't even know what the appropriate phrase is for that. Anyway....they did a cover of Hit Em Up Style and oh my gosh it's so good. I'm in love with it. It's everything we love about folk music, plus the soul of Hit Em Up Style. Check it out--you won't be disappointed. Happy New Years everyone!!!