Okay there has to be an artist out there that talks about the nitty gritty of love. How it bites you in the butt, screws you over, and yet you come back for more.
WHATS UP Christina Perri.
Okay so, I follow her on Instagram. Because I do, I kind of feel like I know her. Isn't that weird? So when I watched this interview that I'm about to post, I kept thinking, 'yeah...I know her' but I actually don't--which is sad. She is SO chill that you want to be friends with her.
Everyone knows the song Jar of Hearts. If you don't, you live under a rock. When interviewed, she mentions how all of her songs were written about relationships in the past--kind of like Adele.
One of the parts I love most about this, is how she said after recording the songs over and over for her album, she would come home absolutely exhausted. I mean, this is emotional you know?
That's why I'm posting her song called, Tragedy. No, it's not on the Twilight Soundtrack nor was it on Dancing with the Stars. Putting that aside, just listen to her sing. Not only does she have a beautiful voice, but the emotion is raw.
Yes, I'm probably being over dramatic but I really love her music so whatever. Screw love!
Why yes, these two insanely talented and famous musicians did team up to create an amazing song.
This song isn't widely known--which makes it all the better in my opinion. David Gray has this raspy, beautiful voice. Annie has a lower, smoother voice.
You know what else I love about this? David Gray is so calm in this video where as Annie is dancing her heart out. All this to say, this song is absolutely amazing. Check out the song, "Full Steam" and let me know what you think!
So you know when you're driving to run an errand that's maybe, 5 minutes away and suddenly you desperately wish that you could go on a road trip?
I had one of those days today. It was a really nice 45 degree sunny day. Where was I? Work. But during my lunch break, I had to go to Starbucks which was about 10 minutes away. I suddenly had the urge to be driving across the western part of the US--with the windows down and just the beautiful scenery to keep me company.
You know, one of the most serene memories I have, is when I was driving. My family was vacationing in upstate NY and I was driving up to visit them. It was mid summer, and as you climbed further and further north, the scenery kind of looked like that in the picture above. The best part? No cell phone service. I played the song, "The Fear You Won't Fall" (Acoustic version) by Joshua Radin on repeat for who knows how long.
Another song that reminds me of this, is the song "All the Wild Horses" by Ray Lamontagne. What a voice. I could listen to him all day long if I wanted to. He's got this really raspy, gentle voice that is extremely soothing. Hope you enjoy this song!
Why yes. Ingrid Michaelson came out with a new album at the end of January called "Human Again". I follow her on Facebook--she's hilarious. Not only is she hilarious, she's also so incredibly talented. Therefore, this post is short and sweet. Here is the Bonus Track from her new album called, "Always You"
Okay so I've realized lately how dependent we are on technology. I'm typing on my laptop, texting on my iPhone, with the TV on in the background. The media has been plagued with over-dramatizing everything--drugs, sex, romance, all of it. Aren't you tired of it?
I get tired of it. I also get tired of the ridiculousness that musicians believe that they have to provide in order to gain attention. Take the Grammys for example. Nicki Minaj, in my opinion, had a horrific performance, filled with extreme Satanic parallels.
I mean who does that? Really.
I guess what I've been craving lately, is simplicity in music. Something that is just, good. I'm going to reference two COMPLETELY different musicians/groups. First, is Adele.
Yes, I am just as much in love with Adele, as everyone else in the world. I'm okay with this. I remember when her second album, 21 came out. Literally, that day, I previewed the album on iTunes and when I reached the last song, Someone Like You, I fell in love. Just like that. It was....simple really. When I found her singing this in her home, I realized that this is what music should be. Beautiful, simple, emotional.
Anderson Cooper put it so perfectly when he did a 60 Minutes interview with her. She doesn't wear provocative clothing, she doesn't try to be anything. She just makes real music. I completely agree. Is that why everyone likes her? Maybe. She has a killer voice too.
Okay so the second group is super super old school. If you ever see me driving somewhere, maybe to work, to Starbucks--if I have The Beach Boys on, I am TOTALLY rocking out to them. Why do I love The Beach Boys? Well it's really easy actually. They sing about three things really:
Surfing, Girls, Cars
Is that simple or what? I mean come on. Even with the 'girls' part, they don't mention anything TOO raunchy. I love it. They have happy simple music and I tell you what--put a playlist of them on while driving. Listen to the lyrics. Why can't we go back to simpler times?
I've kind of taken a break from blogging...just to figure out which songs I'd like to post. Let's get back to it.
Cute songs. It's almost Valentines Day so I figured I'd post a cute song. I love cute things this time of year.
I've really enjoyed this channel lately. You need a sappy romantic movie? Go to this channel.
My faaaaavorite chocolates
My favorite valentine! (Georgie)
The cutest V-Day commercial.
Okay so some songs. Two songs. Completely random. The first is by the band, Goldfrapp. Have you heard of them? It consists of two people--Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory. GREAT band. They're a really good group to workout to. Come to think of it, I was running to this song today:
Catchy song right? Well they also sang this cute song called Number 1. It's definitely not the most romantic, but it's good nonetheless. The song is "Number 1". The music video is super weird so I'll play just the song:
The last song I want to post, to reallllllllly get you going is by the best gentleman in the world (in my opinion)---Mr. Joshua Radin. As I've mentioned before, I saw him last Valentines Day and he really did steal my heart. What a cutie. I'm going to post the acoustic version of the song "You've Got What I Need"--I guarantee you will love this.