Monday, January 2, 2012

Bring In the New Year With Something Different

Everyone has resolutions. Do this, do that. They are SO hard. Have you ever fully completed a resolution for an entire year? I was asked the other day what some of my resolutions are. I don't really have any, to be honest with you. Mine is more of a continual. Remain healthy, both mentally and physically.

To me, that's tough. I mean does anyone really want to eat salads every day for lunch? Not really. Would I rather have a large plate of taquitos instead? Obviously.

I wanted to bring in the New Year with something super different. Something that I think you would all like that combines two types of music into one.

Jump back to the year 2001. Eleven years ago. Do you remember the artist, Blu Cantrell? She sang a lot of soul music. I think one of her most famous songs was Hit Em Up Style. If you don't remember that song, go check it out.

ACTUALLY...just kidding. There is a group called Carolina Chocolate Drops that literally consists of a singer (who plays violin), a banjo, and a beatbox-er. I don't even know what the appropriate phrase is for that. Anyway....they did a cover of Hit Em Up Style and oh my gosh it's so good. I'm in love with it. It's everything we love about folk music, plus the soul of Hit Em Up Style. Check it out--you won't be disappointed. Happy New Years everyone!!!