Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Okay so I've realized lately how dependent we are on technology. I'm typing on my laptop, texting on my iPhone, with the TV on in the background. The media has been plagued with over-dramatizing everything--drugs, sex, romance, all of it. Aren't you tired of it?

I get tired of it. I also get tired of the ridiculousness that musicians believe that they have to provide in order to gain attention. Take the Grammys for example. Nicki Minaj, in my opinion, had a horrific performance, filled with extreme Satanic parallels.

I mean who does that? Really.

I guess what I've been craving lately, is simplicity in music. Something that is just, good. I'm going to reference two COMPLETELY different musicians/groups. First, is Adele.

Yes, I am just as much in love with Adele, as everyone else in the world. I'm okay with this. I remember when her second album, 21 came out. Literally, that day, I previewed the album on iTunes and when I reached the last song, Someone Like You, I fell in love. Just like that. It was....simple really. When I found her singing this in her home, I realized that this is what music should be. Beautiful, simple, emotional.
Anderson Cooper put it so perfectly when he did a 60 Minutes interview with her. She doesn't wear provocative clothing, she doesn't try to be anything. She just makes real music. I completely agree. Is that why everyone likes her? Maybe. She has a killer voice too.

Okay so the second group is super super old school. If you ever see me driving somewhere, maybe to work, to Starbucks--if I have The Beach Boys on, I am TOTALLY rocking out to them. Why do I love The Beach Boys? Well it's really easy actually. They sing about three things really:

Surfing, Girls, Cars

Is that simple or what? I mean come on. Even with the 'girls' part, they don't mention anything TOO raunchy. I love it. They have happy simple music and I tell you what--put a playlist of them on while driving. Listen to the lyrics. Why can't we go back to simpler times?

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