Sunday, November 13, 2011

Why I Hate Sunday Morning Cleaning

I have a really good feeling that this will NOT be the only post on here in regards to my loathing of Sunday morning cleaning. I know I talked about Saturday morning cleaning....but let's be honest. That never happens. Thus, because I find fun things to do Saturday, I usually resort to Sundays to clean (actually, if you look at the previous post, I chill and watch tv all day...hence no cleaning happens at all). Nonetheless, Sundays are sometimes for cleaning and you know what? I hate it. I wake up, with the full intent of cleaning my entire apartment. Vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the whole bathroom. I drink coffee, I get dressed, and then something happens. I think it's my body's recognition that 'hey, we're about to start cleaning. time to get lazy'.

Therefore, I waste time. I watch a million football games, I watch Modern Family (great show), I find about a trillion other ways to occupy my time. What are some good songs to listen to while cleaning? I need a good bunch of songs to compile together to ensure that I will not slow down and stop.

Here's one of them. Florence and the Machine is fantastic. Obviously the first song that I found was Dog Days Are Over. Then Cosmic Love. Well, they just came out with a new album. If you haven't listened to it yet, stop what you're doing and go to Itunes. It is fabulous. Here is one of the songs from their new album called, "Shake It Out". Hope you enjoy!

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