Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday Mornings

Sunday mornings are always a win if two things happen.

1.) You must be able to sleep in.
2.) You treat yourself to Panera for breakfast.

Clearly, these two things happened for me this morning so I am winning. I felt totally cool as I walked into Panera, 8:30 in the morning with my big nerdy glasses, iPhone in hand, and pajamas. Was this the winning triad of classiness? I mean, you guys can decide that one but I'm going to go with a definite, 'yes'.

This was week was a little nuts but I was trying to figure out a good song to post. Yesterday we got about 4 inches of snow (uncool) so I'm kind of feeling something mellow.

A really great friend of mine introduced me to "The Head and the Heart". They are a band from Seattle and are becoming more and more well-known.
I absolutely love them. They are such a fun group to listen to. I really like their entire album, but there are two songs that have really gotten stuck in my head. The first one is "Sounds Like Hallelujah".

Hooked? You should be. The second song is "Ghosts". Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I visited my un-local panera with a button down, iPad, and iPhone.

    How's that for classy?
